東北地方の樹皮箕から A winnowing basket made of bark in Japan’s northern Tohoku District

I was originally interested in the supple bending, elasticity and natural curved surface of a rush mat winnowing basket. But after my encounter with this shape, I had a slight change of sense. It is a very structural shape; there is no need to consider elasticity and I can see a range of mechanical surfaces. Strangely enough, I even get the feeling that the shape gives off the smell of a very human life. It is a completely different sense of shaping from a winnowing basket fully utilizing the elasticity of materials. But it seems that it is also an appeal.

 さて,この形を工作するには,何から始めましょうか。 オリジナルの形の観察からは,次のような展開図が見えてきます。
Now, from what should I start to make this shape? I can see the following expanded diagram from observing an original shape.

上図データPDF:型紙 兼 簡単な説明 PDF of the data on the above diagram: A paper pattern and brief explanations

I made imitations of board-shaped structure made by weaving thin bamboo sticks made of the torn outer skin of thin straight bamboo and skinned Japanese wisteria by various types of paper according to this expanded diagram and made their edges of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket open. For example, I prepared copying paper with PDF printed on it, commercially available handicraft paper with the copying paper attached to it and a thin cardboard box in which cuts of wakame seaweed were placed with a pattern paper attached to it, and made their edges of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket open in accordance with the same procedure paying attention to the same point. The method of making them is exactly the same as “the first model of paper winnowing basket.” A cable tie, even if it is pretty fine, can be obtained relatively easily.

このように型が同じでも,作り方が同じでも,素材の性質のよって顕著にその形の雰囲気が変わってくることがわかります。実は,この手の樹皮箕のは,ゴザ箕のようなしなやかさは全くない(実はこれが大きな勘違いでした。樹皮なりの繊細な弾性がそこにあったのです)との仮定で,その形の再現においては段ボール素材が最適であろうとタカをくくっていましたが,作ってみて全く異なる形が出てきました。コピー用紙は,やわからすぎるので,当然の結果だったわけですが,今回のモドキ・トライアルでは,100円ショップで購入してきた工作用紙に 型紙コピー用紙一枚を,不朽の名作アラビック・ヤマトのりでぴっちりと貼り付けた素材の硬さとしなり具合がちょうどいいような感じです。また,実物にも見える折り線の効果も,工作用紙によるイタミもどきの硬さになると,その傾向が再現できているようにも思えます。
You can see that even if the pattern and way of making are the same like this, the atmosphere created by shapes noticeably varies by the property of materials. To be honest, assuming that this type of bark winnowing basket is not supple at all like a rush mat winnowing basket (In fact, this assumption turned out to be totally wrong. The bark was delicately elastic in its own way), I too hopefully thought that cardboard material would be the best for replicating a shape. But after making it, I found that I got a completely different shape. Copying paper is so soft that this was an inevitable outcome. But in this trial of making an imitation of bark winnowing basket, I felt that the hardness and suppleness of material on which a sheet of pattern copying paper is firmly attached to handicraft paper bought at a 100-yen shop by “Arabic Yamato,” a masterpiece liquid glue, were perfect. In addition, it seems that the effect of folding lines that can be seen in the real thing as well can be replicated with the hardness of an imitation of winnowing basket made of board-like material by handicraft paper.

Now, let’s compare these three forms again.

Naturally, the properties of materials greatly influence these forms. It matters what you choose for the material of the U-shaped frame tying a board-shaped structure made by weaving thin bamboo sticks made of the torn outer skin of thin straight bamboo and skinned Japanese wisteria as a finishing touch. If the material is too soft, nothing will change; if it is too strong, it will ruin the form. This time, I used two thin bamboo sticks 900 millimeters long and 5 millimeters wide that could be obtained easily at a DIY store for the U-shaped frame.

Judging just by appearance, it is a winnowing basket made of handicraft paper that is clearly close to the original form. Originally, I considered replicating a solid-structured bark winnowing basket on a plane that can be said to embody its rusticity, roughness and raw naturalness in a good sense with a hard board. But in this trial, I was able to reconfirm that regarding this bark winnowing basket as well, a minute and exquisite change of plane constitutes its solid structure.
A winnowing basket made of cardboard

A winnowing basket made of handicraft paper

ミサキ側から 左:段ボール,右:工作用紙
A winnowing basket made of cardboard on the left and a winnowing basket made of handicraft paper on the right seen from the side of the edge of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket
From diagonally behind
大平山神社 火防獅子の土鈴
Earthen bells featuring guardian dogs called kabojishi at the front of the main building of Ohira Shinto Shrine



岩手県面岸箕から Omogishi Winnowing Basket in Iwate Prefecture

箕を振り下ろす瞬間 The moment when a winnowing basket is being swung down

越前和紙 ✖︎ 画用紙 ✖︎ 正方形箕  Echizen Washi, Traditional Japanese Paper ✖︎ Drawing Paper ✖︎ Square Winnowing Basket