富山県氷見市 論田・熊無の箕から Winnowing Basket in the Ronden and Kumanashi Communities in Himi City, Toyama Prefecture

直線的側面から,氷見の藤箕の特徴の一つは,アクドからミサキ方向のイタミの剛性が,木積の藤箕と同じ構造であるにもかかわらず,顕著に高いように思われる。 その傾向は,意匠として差し込まれた底部中央付近の桜の皮によるものとは言い難く,この形を構成するイタミの曲げ剛性の強さを示しているようにも見える。この形を模倣するとき,おそらく,前後方向(ミサキーアクド方向)に何らかの剛性強化が必要であるかもしれない。

With its linear sides, it seems that one of the features of Himi’s winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark is the noticeable rigidity of itami, a board-shaped structure made by weaving thin bamboo sticks made of the torn outer skin of thin straight bamboo and skinned Japanese wisteria, in the direction from akudo, the stand-up part on the exact opposite side of the opening at the front of a winnowing basket, to misaki, the edge of the opening at the front of a winnowing basket, despite Himi winnowing basket’s same structure as a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district in Sosa City, Chiba Prefecture. It is difficult to say that this tendency is due to the cherry blossom’s bark near the center of the bottom, inserted for a design, which seems to show the bending rigidity of itami constituting this form. It may be necessary to somewhat strengthen the rigidity in the direction from front to back (from misaki to akudo) in imitating the form.

For Himi, misaki’s inscribed circle can be expressed remarkably by a perfect circle. The misaki of Kizumi’s winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark draws a curve close to a sine curve, not a perfect circle, whereas Himi’s winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark draws a circle. This may give Himi’s winnowing basket artificial strength like forcefulness and rustic beauty.
In the case of Kizumi’s winnowing basket, its sine curve can be said to show that Shinodake bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica), arranged horizontally, shows a major deformation (elastica) in a simple elastic range as an elastic stick. But Himi’s winnowing basket draws a circle, which indicates that the circle is not formed by the effect of an elastic material only in the horizontal direction. Now, what force works there? My assumption is that if I can clarify the workings and balance of that invisible force, I will be able to create an imitation of Himi’s winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark.
A comparison of the two kinds of winnowing basket shows that they are noticeably different. If you lay an elastic stick along misaki and add a concentrated moment to both ends of the elastic stick (elastic beam), the stick will be deformed into a circle and will be able to easily follow the form of the misaki of Himi’s winnowing basket. Meanwhile, if you add a concentrated load to both ends of the elastic stick for light elastic buckling, it will reproduce the form of the misaki of Kizumi’s winnowing basket surprisingly easily. That is, Shinodake bamboo is so highly elastic that its shape seems to change delicately according to how you fix both ends of horizontal material by udeki, a U-shaped frame tying a board-shaped structure made by weaving thin bamboo sticks made of the torn outer skin of thin straight bamboo and skinned Japanese wisteria. I can understand that to highlight the biggest difference with an imitation of Kizumi’s winnowing basket, I probably need an arrangement of material that generates a moment that works to partially adduct both ends of itami and itami material rigid enough to properly transmit the same amount of moment to the winnowing basket as a whole. Itami more rigid and harder than that of Kizumi’s winnowing basket probably seems to be desirable to recreate that form.
The width of akudo is shorter than that of misaki, and the feeling of tension on itami in its entirety when akudo stands up seems to be somewhat different from previous ones. 
The form of akudo looks somewhat good when it stands up. But compared with the real thing, you cannot say that the imitation reproduces its features. Clearly, one of the reasons for this is that itami is not rigid enough. The balance between the force generated by udeki and the difficulty of itami bending seems to leave something to be desired. In addition, if you look closely at detailed parts, you can see that the stand-up of akudo is so weak with this imitation of winnowing basket that you need to sew it so that the angle formed by the bottom of itami and akudo will be finished at less than 90 degrees.
I tried replacing udeki with a 3-millimeter round stick made of plastic material from a thin bamboo stick, improved its form and then compared it with an imitation of Kizumi’s winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark. See the picture below.
This creates a different atmosphere from the real thing of Himi’s winnowing basket, though it is different because the form of itami is different. One reason for this difference seems to be the form of the stitched part of akudo (for the imitation, it is just fixed with a zip tie, though).
If you look closely at this part of the real thing, you will see that the ear of akudo is tucked towards the misaki side and is laced. 
In fact, when looked from the back, as the center of this picture shows, the sides of itami are rolled up into the back of akudo fairly strongly.
Now, with the imitation as well, I tucked akudo more deeply and also forcefully rolled up the sides of itami.
For udeki, I thought of utilizing the plasticity of a plastic stick (it can be arranged to bend) instead of the elasticity of a thin bamboo stick to reproduce the feature of a real winnowing basket whose upper part of the back of akudo is linear and used the 3-millimeter plastic stick.
Despite my effort, however, the curve around misaki remained unnatural and the force of udeki stretching and the rigidity of itami’s bending turned out to be insufficient. In response to this situation, I tried attaching a vinyl chloride plate to the bottom of itami that seemed to be particularly lacking in rigidity and adjusted its form. 
As a result, it turned out that the imitation’s form got closer to that of a real winnowing basket than earlier. The shape of misaki, a significant feature of the imitation, remained like a sine curve, however, and was near that of Kizumi’s winnowing basket. To get this curve close to a circle, it seems to be necessary to secure a strong hold at both ends of misaki, that is, on both sides of itami, and to transmit enough bending moment by the hold.



岩手県面岸箕から Omogishi Winnowing Basket in Iwate Prefecture

箕を振り下ろす瞬間 The moment when a winnowing basket is being swung down

越前和紙 ✖︎ 画用紙 ✖︎ 正方形箕  Echizen Washi, Traditional Japanese Paper ✖︎ Drawing Paper ✖︎ Square Winnowing Basket