箕を振り下ろす瞬間 The moment when a winnowing basket is being swung down

A man is just going to swing a winnowing basket down.

  In 'the village of Boso' in Chiba Prefecture, I participated in a demonstration and experience of the "Wisteria Winnowing basket making technique", a nationally designated important intangible folk cultural asset, by the preservation society. 
As well as the beauty of the winnowing technique, I was impressed by a small phenomenon. As the exhibitor of the winnowing was explaining, "When you turn your back to the wind and swing up the rice husks, the light husks are blown away by the wind",  the moment he lifted the winnowing basket back up, I saw something spouting clearly and vigorously from the open edge called misaki, though it was faint. 
  It was not caused by the wind blowing in from the back, but by the moment when the winnowing basket was lightly placed horizontally. In this momentary movement, I could feel t a localized air flow. So, I would like to explore the relationship between this air movement and the winnowing. It may be that the winnowing basket generates its own air movement and sorts the rice. This seems to suggest the high functionality of the winnowing machine.

 The moment a winnowing basket is being swung down lightly, rice husks leap out of around the center of the edge of the opening at the front of it. To show the moment, I added enhanced correction to an image out of a video for observing the movement of swinging a winnowing basket.
 You can confirm that the black cord in the background is blurred in yellow, although it is fairly inconspicuous. A visual inspection can confirm a clear blowoff. This phenomenon can also be confirmed at the moment when a winnowing basket is about to be moved downward to be placed lightly in a set position in the beginning of its swinging. It seems that this wind blows up noticeably even under an almost windless condition with no tailwind from the back in an indoor setting. In this blog post, I will examine what this wind really is.
I attached a streamer to the winnowing basket.
The second swing
 It seems that a wind blows up again on the surface of the winnowing basket when it is just swung down lightly. It appears that a relatively large vortex comes up on both sides of the U-shaped frame tying a board-shaped structure made by weaving thin bamboo sticks made of the torn outer skin of thin straight bamboo and skinned Japanese wisteria and that a strong straight stream rises toward the edge of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket in the center of the U-shaped frame. My intuition led me to assume that this phenomenon could be attributed to the curved surface of the winnowing basket. That is why I conducted a fluid analysis of air based on a drastic two-dimensional simplification of the phenomenon on the supposition of the situation in which the winnowing basket is swung down straight downward.
The above diagram illustrates the situation in which a curved surface about one meter wide is being swung down at a velocity of 0.5 meter per second.
 A curved surface shaped like the two-dimensional cross section of the winnowing basket is placed in an air flow at a velocity of 0.5 meter per second from left in a space filled with air with normal features. I prepared a board of the same size for comparison because this diagram is not enough to clarify what this air flow really is and how it is related to the eruption of the edge of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket mentioned in the beginning of this column.
The above diagram illustrates the situation in which a flat board about one meter wide is being swung down at a velocity of 0.5 meter per second.
 The diagram shows noticeable differences in the state of particles showing the conditions of flow between the curved surface and the plane. These differences are fairly interesting because this simulation is under completely the same condition except for whether it is a curved surface or a plane. This means that if the bottom of the winnowing basket is a flat board, the miraculous eruption of the edge of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket when it is being swung will be difficult to occur. In addition, I highlighted the state of vortexes that can be observed from both sides after some time.

 I got these two diagrams. It is difficult to say that there are simply large differences in the state of particles under the conditions of this simulation. But you can see noticeable differences between the pseudo-curved surface of the winnowing basket and the plane in the way the vortexes swirl and the flow in their opening from right to left, that is, a downdraft at the moment when a winnowing basket is being swung down in a normal way.
 In this two-dimensional fluid analysis as well, it seems that it is not so wrong to understand that the curved surface of the winnowing basket produces a clean air flow when it is being swung, that it produces pressure on the surface of the winnowing basket and that an air flow is generated toward the edge of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket that is open with no walls, which results in the eruption of the edge of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket.
The mechanism of the eruption of the edge of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket by large vortexies
  I am now preparing for a three-dimensional analysis. I expect that it will be perfect in the three-dimensional analysis if I can replicate the generation of a straight wind from the stand-up part on the exact opposite side of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket to the edge of the opening at the front of the basket in addition to the existence of the large vortex that could be confirmed in the two-dimensional analysis and the downdraft that occurs in the vortex. But I may be unable to find such conditions so easily.


By using a 3-D model (STL type) read from an authentic winnowing basket by FLOWSQUARE+https://fsp.norasci.com/index.html, I conducted a simulation of the air flow at the moment when a winnowing basket is being swung down. As shown in the diagram below, instead of swinging down a winnowing basket, I placed the winnowing basket at the streaming space with misaki, the edge of the opening at the front of the winnowing basket, placed below, ran air from the left, and applied air to the bottom of the winnowing basket’s face.


I have already confirmed the streaming of air from misaki at the moment when a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district in Sosa City, Chiba Prefecture, is being swung down lightly in a simple streaming experiment. But I wanted to look at the air stream around the winnowing basket a little more. For my simulation targets, I chose a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district whose misaki’s elastic curve is beautiful and a wickerwork winnowing basket in the Awa district in Tokushima Prefecture whose misaki is linear for comparison.

The distribution of the stream’s speed in the direction parallel to the face of a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district

The gray object in the diagram above shows the right face (the right side with misaki at the front) of the 3-D model of a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district. The countless black arrows in the diagram show the directions of air streams and their speed. Color gradations show the speed of upward and downward air streams; the red parts show upward air streams and the blue parts show downward air streams. The blue parts show the directions of air streams from misaki.

 I set the left edge of Diagram 1 as an aperture where air comes in instead of swinging down a winnowing basket. In this context, air clockwise of 0.3m/s runs through according to the movement of each body parts based on the motion pictures of swinging down a winnowing basket. The diagram above shows about 1.4 seconds after air starts to come in—about when chaff flies into the air and lands on the face of the winnowing basket that was swung down.


You can see a beautiful swirl between the red and blue parts around the right side of misaki. For comparison, I did the same with a wickerwork winnowing basket in the Awa district.

The distribution of the stream’s speed in the direction parallel to the face of a wickerwork winnowing basket in the Awa district.

The diagram shows that it does not appear that the two types of winnowing basket are largely different. However, it appears that the difference between the depth of the blue parts around misaki and the strength of a swirl on the right side of misaki cannot be ignored. Clearly, the movement of air around a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district is stronger.

 見る方向を変えて比較してみましょう。Now, let me compare by changing directions.

Air streams around a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district
Air streams around a wickerwork winnowing basket in the Awa district

The diagram above shows a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district and the diagram below it shows a wickerwork winnowing basket in the Awa district. This perspective shows that the blue parts from the middle of the face of a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district to misaki are noticeably strong in comparison with a wickerwork winnowing basket in the Awa district. The way a swirl runs into the face of a winnowing basket is also different and you can see clearly stronger air streams.

Air streams around a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district
Air streams around a wickerwork winnowing basket in the Awa district

さらに,阿波箕と木積の藤箕それぞれでのミサキからの吹き出しの流速の時間変化を比較すると,In addition, I compared the time change in air streams from misaki with a wickerwork winnowing basket in the Awa district and a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district

The air stream’s speed around misaki
As shown in the diagram above, you can see that the air stream’s speed from the misaki of each type of winnowing basket is remarkably different. These results are data gained by equally setting three probes (Flowsquare+ detectors) between the middle part of misaki and the right edge of misaki, which is linked with udeki, a U-shaped frame tying a board-shaped structure made by weaving thin bamboo sticks made of the torn outer skin of thin straight bamboo and skinned Japanese wisteria. I still got just two examples. But it seems that I can easily reproduce the differences of air stream’s speeds by the different forms of winnowing baskets. It seems interesting if these differences are similar to the differences we sense when we actually use a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district and a wickerwork winnowing basket in the Awa district.
I can expect that these differences in air streams around winnowing baskets become noticeable according to the forms of winnowing baskets. I will continue to test with other types of winnowing basket with the same methodology.



岩手県面岸箕から Omogishi Winnowing Basket in Iwate Prefecture

越前和紙 ✖︎ 画用紙 ✖︎ 正方形箕  Echizen Washi, Traditional Japanese Paper ✖︎ Drawing Paper ✖︎ Square Winnowing Basket