富山県氷見市 論田・熊無の箕から Winnowing Basket in the Ronden and Kumanashi Communities in Himi City, Toyama Prefecture
ステレオカメラによるワンショットの3Dデータ(撮測3D) 直線的側面から,氷見の藤箕の特徴の一つは,アクドからミサキ方向のイタミの剛性が,木積の藤箕と同じ構造であるにもかかわらず,顕著に高いように思われる。 その傾向は,意匠として差し込まれた底部中央付近の桜の皮によるものとは言い難く,この形を構成するイタミの曲げ剛性の強さを示しているようにも見える。この形を模倣するとき,おそらく,前後方向(ミサキーアクド方向)に何らかの剛性強化が必要であるかもしれない。 With its linear sides, it seems that one of the features of Himi’s winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark is the noticeable rigidity of itami, a board-shaped structure made by weaving thin bamboo sticks made of the torn outer skin of thin straight bamboo and skinned Japanese wisteria, in the direction from akudo, the stand-up part on the exact opposite side of the opening at the front of a winnowing basket, to misaki, the edge of the opening at the front of a winnowing basket, despite Himi winnowing basket’s same structure as a winnowing basket made of Japanese wisteria’s bark in the Kizumi district in Sosa City, Chiba Prefecture. It is difficult to say that this tendency is due to the cherry blossom’s bark near the center of the bottom, inserted fo...